Saturday, April 23, 2016


No, I have not forgotten that this blog exists! I've just been a combination of busy, sick, and haven't had many ideas for a post.

In the interim, we got on public housing, I'm getting recertified for disability, I'm about to apply for a medical cannabis card, and I've been trying to get more into couponing.

But that's a post for another day (Tomorrow if I remember and have the spoons to type it up - my hands already hurt a lot just from this)! Today is 24 HOUR READATHON. You can read more about it here.

I'm almost halfway through The World of The Shining Prince, so I'll go back to that now. I'm looking to finish, or at least make a large dent in, the trifecta of this, The Diary of Lady Murasaki, and The Tale of Genji.


Took an attempted nap, or at least laid around trying to sleep despite the heat. It's 71F and feels certainly hotter in the apartment. Really wish the air conditioner was set up and going, but we have a box fan sending air through the living room and out the open windows.

Back to readng!


Holy shit, life in Heian Japan was simultaneously boring and busy. Instead of anything resembling government, the Imperial Court and aristocrats in general just lazed around writing poetry to each other from behind screens and in general talking through the medium of servants. Oftentimes, no one ever met with each other, even when they lived in the same house.

So, basically what Baby Boomers fear Millennials doing (lazing around and messaging each other on phones and internet rather than face to face).

Also this is the section of Genji in which men sit around discussing what the ideal woman's qualities should be while staring longingly and homoerotically at Genji.